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Real Time Extensions Overview

Real time extensions are called whenever the user searches on products or loads their favorites with the default search screen. The part numbers passed will be based on the specified vendor.

"additionalFields": {
"field1": "value",
"field2": "value",
"field3": "value"
"items": [
"partNumber": "value"

The expected response format is as follows.

"items": [
"vendorPartNumber": "value",
"active": true,
"onHand": 0.0,
"manufacturerPartNumber": "value",
"description": "value",
"cost": 0.0,
"error": "value",
"inStockDate": "{ISO DATE STAMP}",
"warehouses": [
"warehouse": "value",
"onHand": 0.0,
"inStockDate": "{ISO DATE STAMP}"
vendorPartNumbertrueThe part number in the integrated system. Will be matched to the requests partNumber field
activefalseIndicates if the product is still active in the vendor system (false indicates discontinued)
onHandfalseThe total quantity on hand. 9999 and above will not be displayed as a value to the user (generally interpreted as drop ship)
manufacturerPartNumberfalseThe MFP of the product. Can be used to validate the product matches the requested product
descriptionfalseA short product name. Can be used to validate the product matches the requested product
costfalseThe cost from the vendor system
errorfalseIndicates if there was an error loading the details for that product (product not found, product not authorized, etc.)
inStockDatefalseA date of when more stock will arrive
warehousesfalseAn array of warehouses and their availability. Shown to the user when clicking on vendor details.
warehouses.warehousefalseThe name of the warehouse
warehouse.onHandfalseThe stock in the specified warehouse
warehouse.inStockDatefalseA date of when more stock will arrive to the specified warehouse.